Are you the Owner, Manager or Operator of a popular restaurant?
If so, Partner with JetStream Digital and allow us to help you increase sales, profits & return visits by your patrons. Our Incredible high definition digital marketing platform has a proven track record.
It’s absolutely NO COST and NO COMMITMENT to you!

Become a Host Partner
It's True…No Cost and No Commitment
How Does it Work?
If your restaurant qualifies (based on monthly customer traffic) JetStream Digital will professionally install one or more high definition digital marketing screens in your restaurant, in locations you choose. We will then work with you or your staff to create a 15 minute loop of dynamic content that will display your marketing spots (Commercials) repeated every 15 minutes all day every day. We create 15 different marketing spots to showcase and promote whatever you believe will increase sales for your restaurant. We also provide FREE marketing consultation to assist you based on our years of working with restaurants. To keep your patrons engaged and looking at the marketing screens with your marketing spots, we add interesting and fun trivia questions in between your marketing spots. We make changes and create new marketing spots for you monthly and change the trivia monthly as well. If that wasn’t enough to get you interested, we also provide FREE professional photography of your menu items to create your ad spots. Then we provide you digital copies of those images so that you can utilize those images in your social media campaigns and for creating new menus or place cards. SO LET’S RECAP…Equipment, Installation, marketing consultation, ad creation, trivia entertainment, monthly changes, menu photography and images to you…ALL at NO COST and NO COMMITMENT.
How’s it FREE…Nothing is FREE right?
In return for partnering with JetStream Digital we provide a FREE digital personalized marketing platform. Then, Jetstream Digital sells a limited number of family friendly 30 second ad spots to Local businesses. We NEVER allow other restaurants to advertise on the screens we install in your restaurant. An added benefit to you, is that your helping build a strong community through allowing Local businesses to reach Local consumers that frequent your restaurant. When Local businesses are successful the community is strong and vibrant. It has been proven through our system, that many of these Local business advertisers will frequent and support your restaurant with their clients and families in order to see their ad spot.
So, you receive a FREE comprehensive marketing platform to grow your restaurant and your profits. Local businesses are allowed to leverage their visibility in front of your captive audience which grows their business and strengthens the community. JetStream Digital provides the proven system.
It’s truly a WIN WIN for everyone.
Sample Host Spot
No Cost
JetStream Digital will professionally install one or more HD digital screens in your location absolutely FREE.
No Commitment
There's nothing to buy and we take care of all the maintenance for as long as you want to promote your business
Free Ad Creation
We create marketing spots and make changes monthly & provide FREE photography of menu items.